August 17, 2013

On Saturday, August 17th, a rally of approximately 2,000 concerned teachers, administrators, Board members, students, and parents was held at Comsewogue High School to denounce the Common Core and the State Education Department’s advocacy and reliance for high stakes testing. Signs declaring, “Our Children are More Than a Test Score,” and “Enemies of Public Education,” were displayed by many in attendance. Tony Felicio, Jr., Connetquot Teachers Association President stated, “It is a pleasure to be among so many people who care about education and to stand with them in sending a loud and clear message to the State Ed Department and our politicians who have put these insane regulations in place, that enough is enough!” Felicio also went on to say, “It is an honor to stand with Dr. Rella, Superintendent of Schools for the Comsewogue School District, who has played a major role in igniting this movement against Common Core and high stakes testing, not only here in New York, but also throughout the country.” Dr. Rella has been a vocal critic of the State Education Department’s push for Common Core and high stakes testing.
If you would like to become more involved in the movement to end high stakes testing and Common Core, please go to
Facebook and sign up for the group Lace to the Top. Here you can get more information and take part in advocating for your children.
photos by Joe Maniaci