April 25, 2013
Ronkonkoma, NY --- Connetquot Teachers Association President Anthony Felicio, Jr., recently congratulated Foreign language teacher Vanessa Flowers on her choice of a visiting guest speaker. On March 23rd Vanessa welcomed an FBI Special Agent from the NYC office, who is also a Connetquot graduate. This Special Agent agreed to talk to her students about the importance of speaking a foreign language in today’s world.
Felicio told Flowers that he was very proud “ … to have another one of our successful graduates return to speak to our current students. He was an outstanding student at Connetquot, as well as an outstanding athlete. As a former Connetquot coach I remember very well the leadership he provided as team captain.”
This Special Agent talked to the students about his work with FBI, and how important it is for agents to be fluent in foreign languages. He shared several anecdotes about the agency’s anti-terrorism work, and recent terror attack in Boston. While he was not sent to Boston, several agents from the New York office were sent to help with the investigation.
He assured the students that the study of computer technology, the potential of internet communication, and fluency in foreign languages would open many doors for them once they graduated.
This ‘very’ Special Agent of the FBI is a source of pride, not only to his family, but to his former teachers, and the entire Connetquot community.

(l-r) Vanessa Flowers, Denise Trainor and LOTE (Languages Other Than English) Chairperson Kim Licato.
photo by Joseph Maniaci