March 12, 2013

CTA President Anthony Felicio, Jr. (third from right/back), proudly announced the NYSUT Community Service Award to the Executive Committee, building representatives and members of the Connetquot Retired Teachers Association on March 12th.
Ronkonkoma, NY --- On March 12th Connetquot Teachers Association (CTA) President Anthony Felicio, Jr., announced that he had received a congratulatory letter from New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) Association President Richard C. Iannuzzi. The NYSUT President informed Felicio that he was pleased to announce “… the selection of your local as a recipient of NYSUT’s Local Community Service award.”
Ianuzzi explained that this award recognizes the CTA’s collective, and sustained, contribution to community service during the 2012 calendar year. “Your participation in charitable events and community service exemplifies the purpose of this award”, continued the NYSUT leader. “Please extend congratulations to members of the local for their dedicated effort. Their work in enriching the lives of community members is laudatory, and worthy of this award.”
The award will be presented to Felicio, and the CTA, at the 2013 Representative Assembly, which will be held in Washington, DC, from April 11-13. Felicio announced the award to his members on March 12th by saying “On behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you for your support of our community endeavors.”
(photo by Joseph Maniaci)