June 09, 2013

Parents, teachers, students and community members from across New York state, including CONNETQUOT TEACHERS ASSOCIATION members, headed to Albany on Saturday, June 8th for a rally against over-testing and underfunding in public education. Local rally-goers took the 3 and a half hour bus trip up to Albany to make their voices heard. Tony Felicio, Jr., President of the Connetquot Teachers Association who was in attendance said, “What a great day to see everyone who is concerned about the future of Public Education together, rallying for more funding and less testing. The day was very inspiring.” Tony also went on to thank those teachers from Connetquot who also took the time to make the journey up to Albany and be a part of the special day.
The One Voice United/Fighting for the Future of Public Education rally was sponsored by more than 20 organizations: New York State United Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers, National Education Association, New York State AFL-CIO, Class Size Matters, New York State NAACP, Alliance for Quality Education, Citizen Action, New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness, New York State Labor-Religion Coalition, Strong Economy for All, New York State Students Rising, Occupy Albany, New York Immigration Coalition, First Israel AME Church, BALCONY, Educate NY Now, SUNY Student Assembly, Save Our SUNY, New York State School Counselor Association and the Long Island Progressive Coalition.
Participants message for the day was, “enough is enough” to the state’s obsession with standardized testing that jeopardizes student time on learning and a full, rich curriculum. They were also rallying for fair and adequate education funding; appropriate class sizes; student access to public higher education; and a fix for the undemocratic tax cap that diminishes local control.

CTA president Anthony Felicio, Jr. poses with union representative Paul Rondinella

CTA vice-president of negotiations, Brad Lindell